The law Pronounces Intention In Prayer - it is still a debate some people there who say the intention is to be with the tongue and the heart. But some are saying enough with the liver only, then Where exactly in demand?
On this occasion, will write a law pronounces intention in prayer. In order for those still wondering about this topic is getting the right knowledge. What's this in the quotes presented from reliable sources,
The Laws Say In The Prayer Intentions
1. Shaykh Abu Bakr al-Jaza'iri mentioned in al-fiqh al-madzahib ' ala al-Arba'ah:
remind the liver, tongue errors in say don't blame intentions in your heart if it were true.
Law agreed on among the Shafi'i and Hanbali Sects, while according to
2. Madhabs Maliki and Hanbali:
say intentions in the prayer that was legislated in not, unless the person is in doubt in his heart.
3. Madhab Hanafi:
Utter heresy, but that intention is considered good to dismiss misgivings or doubts in their hearts.
That's the law pronounces intention in prayer, so the main thing is to straighten the liver only to God, keep the heart from sin, so intent can be straight, the real count of one's charitable intentions in his heart. Therefore amend the intention in this heart.
Al-Hafizh Ibnu Hajar al-'Asqalani. Fath al-Bahri : 2/91Fatawa asy-Syabakah al-Islamiyyah : 5/5423
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