Tahajjud Prayer Time-God's promises for those who can perform Tahajud prayer. One of them, God will give way to the light of the world and the hereafter.
In the event the prayer is performed after one had slept then it's named Tahajjud otherwise it is known as Qiyam-al-layl. It is far better delay this prayer to the last third part of the evening. It's much convenient and simple for folks to perform Tahajjud Prayer at Sohoor during the Ramadan, despite the fact that they could have missed it in different months.
Tahajud prayer workable on a third night. One of the verses that became the reference for running i.e. Tahajud prayers Qur'an Surat Al-Isra verse 79 which reads, "thou Should use part of the time that night Tahajud prayers, to prayers as sunnah for yourself, hopefully, God will arouse thee with a good position. "
Prayers marked the time of tahajud Muslims awake at night time. However, not many know there are several categories a third night written in the Holy Quran and Sunnah.
Tahajjud Prayer Time The Most Efficacious:
Time Of Tahajud / The Night Prayer Run
1. One-third of the first Night
Tahajud prayer workable for a third time, the first night. The time it takes place on the range after Isha prayer ' until 22.00. But, to do it must be preceded by prior to sleep for a moment.
There are no restrictions regarding the large number of rakats running prayer tahajud. But, in order for contained in it earned should need to be coupled to them.
2. One-third of the second Night
A third second night became the primary running time of Tahajud prayer. Time one-third of the night occurred at 22.00 to 01.00.
Time of tahajud prayer is indeed difficult to implement. Because most people can not get up at that time.
But this is where priorities, only people who have great confidence that could run it
3. One-third of the last Night
The sunnah prayer on a third run last night is the most important time. If expanded, that last night a third time between 01.00 p.m. until dawn before entering.
In the Hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim Priest called,
"Every night Allah comes down to the sky world until the remaining one-third last night. He (God) said, "is my servant asking so I gave what he asked for? Does my servant who prayed to for sure I visa granted his prayer? Does my servant with forgiveness so that I forgive the sins? "
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