What Is The Ruling On Reading Al-fatiha For Behind The Imaam (ma'mun)

Posted by Fun Visit on 1:01 AM

Ruling on reading al-fatiha for ma'mun - on this occasion, admin theprimacyofprayer will answer one question one of the visitors of this blog ever send you emails about how the law read surah alfatiha for ma'mun?

The same as the previous article, answer the questions in the join the proposition, in order not to doubt as well as an accurate source.

We just go ahead,,,,

Is it legal to read surah al Fatiha For The Ma'mun

1. Madhab Hanafi,

Ma'mun need not read alfatiha, based on the following propositions:

First, the verses of the Qur'an: "and when in reading Al Qur'an so listen well, and observe quietly so that you may get grace". (Qs. al-A-RAF 7; 204)
Imam Ahmad said that this verse about prayer. Command to listen to al fatiha for is behind the priest

Second, evidence of the Sunnah. In the hadeeth mentioned:
"Who is praying behind the imam, then readings for her readings have become priests ". (Narrated by Abu Hanifa from Jaabir). This includes the prayer the PIR and Jahr

Another Hadith:

"Behold the priest in the lift to follow, When the priest reciting Takbeer so follow you. When priests read, then take heed ye "(narrated by Muslim from Abu Hurairah)

Another Hadith the Prophet praying dzuhur, there was a man behind the imam read verses: "Sabbihisma rabbika al-a'la". When the prayer is finished, the prophet asked: which of you who read verse? The man replied: "I am". The Prophet said: "I think one of you have been challenging in reading verse ". (Narrated by al-bukhaari and Muslim from ' Imran bin Hushain).
Related article: The law Pronounces Intention In Prayer 

2. The Majority Of Scholars

One of the pillars of al fatiha reciting the prayer is. Based on the word of the Prophet:

"prayer is not valid persons who do not read al fatiha"

Another Hadith:

"prayer is not valid persons who do not read al fatiha al kitaab (al fatiha)" (narrated by Ibn Khuzaimah and Ibn Hibbaan).

Also based on the deeds of the Prophet, as mentioned in the Sahih Muslim Hadith and history found in Saheeh al-Bukhari:

"As you see I Pray the prayer"

As for reading the Surah al-Fatiha on the first and the second rak'ah rak'ah of prayer is sunnah at all. Ma'mum read al fatiha and surah in prayer the PIR only, do not read anything on prayer Jahr, according to Maliki and Hanbali Sect. While Shafi Read al Fatiha in Jahr prayer only.

You can understand the opinion of Imam Ahmad that he considers good read al fatiha silently when the priest at first silent, then continued on the second silent al-Fatiha, among both the silent ma'mum heard readings, priests.

Madhab Syafi'i: according to the sect, to priests, ma'mum, and the person who is praying alone is obligated to read surah al fatiha in every rak'ah. for mandatory prayer or prayer is sunnah, mandatory read al fatiha

According to the hadeeth: "from ubadah Ibn ash-Shamit, he said:" the Prophet praying, the Prophet uttered the verse feel heavy. When completed the prayer. The Prophet said: '' ye shall not do that unless you read al fatiha, prayer is not valid for people who don't read al Fatiha ". (Narrated by Abu Dawood, Al-Tirmidhi, Ahmad and Ibn Hibbaan)

From the explanation above, obviously, hadeeth pointing to the that the surah Al Fatihah is it mandatory for the prayer. Now it's obvious propositions about the law governing read surah al-Fatiha for ma'mum. for those who do not require reading al-fatiha for ma'mum also has evidence. If there are any questions, please leave a comment below.

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New Johny WussUpdated: 1:01 AM

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